1.フルラス賞“Recognition of Studies on Piezoelectric Ceramics”, アメリカンセラミックス学会(1991)
2.山崎賞“ Recognition of Researches on Dielectric and Piezoelectric Ceramics”,防衛大学校(1998)
3.JJAP編集功労賞 ”Recognition of Distinguished and Valuable Contributions as an Editor of the Articles for the Japanese Journal of Applied Physics“応用物理学会(2005)
4.Electroceramic Bridge Building賞 ”Your continuous efforts and services in bridging the U.S.-Japan dielectric and piezoelectric materials communities and for your technical leadership” 14th US-Japan Seminar on Dielectric and Piezoelectric Materials (2009)
5.JJAP/APEX編集功労賞 ”Recognition of Distinguished and Valuable Contributions as an Editor/or a reviewer of the articles for Applied Physics Express (APEX) and Japanese Journal of Applied Physics(JJAP)“ 応用物理学会 (2012)
6.粉体粉末冶金協会 研究功績賞 “磁性・誘電性を用いた電波吸収体の作製と電波吸収特性”(2014)